Thursday, May 05, 2011

Day 3

And God rested.

No, wait, that was day 7. My bad. But according to the Wii program, I am allowed to rest today. Good thing too, because my legs are killing me! So since there isn't an update on the exercise front, I do have to say that I was so-so on the food front. I didn't overindulge today, but I did have a few sweets. It was Cinco de Mayo at our office today, so everybody brought in some taco fixings. Somehow peanut butter chocolate bars and mini cupcakes are Cindo de Mayo food, and a couple of them found their way onto my plate. But no cruller, though there was one in the cafeteria...mmmm cruller...sorry, what? I got lost there for a moment.

Anyway, not too bad for starting out, especially since I'm not going to cut out sweets entirely. We'll see how tomorrow's exercise goes.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Everything in moderation, dear sister. You don't want to deprive yourself!